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Cloud service for webrole running in ARM Resource group

My understanding so far on PaaS deployment using WebRoles or Worker Roles-

  • Spinning Web roles or Worker roles will create Cloud service to manage it.
  • However, in ARM resource group, their is no concept of Cloud service, then how are web & worker roles managed in ARM resource group?
  • Also I tried adding the webroles via JSON Outline in VS 2015, but no option to add webroles. So not sure if you can deploy webroles via JSON template?

Any information will be of great help.


  • Azure Resource Manager Web apps rely on the concept of App Service Plans, rather than cloud services. Basically this is the underlying VM(s) that the service runs on. You can specify the size and number of servers that make up the App Service plan, and then deploy on to those as a single unit.

    You create an App service plan, then run web / worker roles inside that (as well as Logic, API, Functions)

    As far as Web / Worker roles are concerned, App Service Plans do not draw a distinction between the two. You simply deploy code to it and it will run it however it is packaged. See here

    The concept of cloud services simply don't exist within the Azure Resource Management model.

    You can find a template for deploying a Web App here