I am doing a barplot out of a dataframe with a 15min datetimeindex over a couple of years. Using this code:
title='Sums per year',
Unfortunately the ticks on the X-axis are now shown with the full timestamp like this: 2009-12-31 00:00:00
I would prefer to Keep the code for plotting short, but I couldn't find an easy way to format the timestamp simply to the year (2009...2016
) for the plot.
Can someone help on this?
As it does not seem to be possible to Format the date within the Pandas df.plot(), I have decided to create a new dataframe and plot from it.
The solution below worked for me:
df_Vol_new = df_Vol.resample('A',how='sum')
df_Vol_new.index = df_Vol_new.index.format(formatter=lambda x: x.strftime('%Y'))
ax2 =df_Vol_new.plot.bar(title='Sums per year',stacked=True, style='ggplot', alpha=0.8)