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Adding multiple maps when using dapper extensions

I am using dapper extensions and have a question about the class mapper. Unfortunately most of my tables need some mapping done to them such as different schemas etc.

So I find I am typically doing a lot of swapping out the DefaultMapper as per below:

public Hierarchies HierarchyGetByName(string aName)
    Hierarchies result;

    using (SqlConnection cn = GetSqlConnection())

        Type currModelMapper = DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.DefaultMapper;
            DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.DefaultMapper = typeof(HierarchiesMapper);
            IFieldPredicate predicate = Predicates.Field<Hierarchies>(f => f.Name, Operator.Eq, aName);
            result = cn.GetList<Hierarchies>(predicate).FirstOrDefault();
            DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.DefaultMapper = currModelMapper;


    return result;

If I access 2 tables then I have to do this twice for instance.

Is there a way to add all the mapper classes at once to say a collection and depending on the table being accessed the correct one is chosen?


  • You could add a set of classes within your app that apply custom remapping to your entities. For example these 3 empty classes apply the PrefixDapperTableMapper to the Profile and FileNotificationAdhocRecipient classes while the AnotherDifferentTypeOfDapperClassMapper is applied to NotificationProfile.

    public class ProfileMapper : PrefixDapperTableMapper<Domain.Entities.Profile>
    public class FileNotificationAdhocRecipientMapper : PrefixDapperTableMapper<Domain.Entities.FileNotificationAdhocRecipient>
    public class NotificationProfileMapper : AnotherDifferentTypeOfDapperClassMapper<Domain.Entities.NotificationProfile>

    and your actual mapping code exists in separate mappers (I've not shown AnotherDifferentTypeOfDapperClassMapper but that would be similar to below)

    public class PrefixDapperTableMapper<T> : ClassMapper<T> where T : class
        public PrefixDapperTableMapper()
        //name or schema manipulations in some overrides here. 

    As long as they're in the same assembly, DapperExtensions will find and use them or you can set the mapping assembly with code similar to:

    DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SetMappingAssemblies({ typeof(ProfileMapper ).Assembly })