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GZIP files on a web page

I am currently using gulp to serve my content to the browser. I started using gulp-gzip to compress them to smaller file size. I am not sure of the below things: 1. How to serve Gzip using gulp to the browser? 2. Do I need to change the script tags in my HTML to have extensions of .gz?

Currently, I have created gzip gulp task which compresses the files and puts them in tmp folder. I want to serve the tmp folder or the current folder that is being served in the below gulp file

'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    watch = require('gulp-watch'),
    gulpUtil = require('gulp-util'),
    jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
    karma = require('gulp-karma'),
    preprocess = require('gulp-preprocess'),
    connect = require('gulp-connect'),
    rimraf = require('gulp-rimraf'),
    hl = require('highland'),
    rjs = require('requirejs'),
    resourcePipeline = require('connect-resource-pipeline'),
    modrewrite = require('connect-modrewrite'),
    jscs = require('gulp-jscs'),
    argv = require('yargs').argv,
    lintspaces = require('gulp-lintspaces'),
    rename = require('gulp-rename'),
    replace = require('gulp-replace'),
    stubServer = require('gulp-develop-server'),
    buildTime = require('moment')(),
    gzip = require('gulp-gzip');

function getVersionNumber() {
    return /SNAPSHOT/.test(argv.ver) ? argv.ver + buildTime.format('[-]YYYYMMDD[-]HHmmss') : argv.ver;

gulp.task('connect', function () {
    var extRes = !!argv.EXT_RES,
        startProxy = !argv.NO_PROXY_SERVER;
        root: 'app',
        livereload: {
            port: 123456
        port: 1337,
        middleware: function (connect) {
            return [
                connect().use(modrewrite(['^/?(\\?(.*))?$ /index.html?$2',
                    '^/abt-inv-web/secure/invView/(.*)$ /$1']))
                    .use(resourcePipeline({root: 'app'}, [
                            url: '/index.html',
                            factories: [preprocess.bind(null, {context: {DEV: true, EXT_RES: extRes}})]
                            url: '/',
                            factories: [preprocess.bind(null, {context: {DEV: true, EXT_RES: extRes}})]
                            url: '/scripts/main.js',
                            factories: [preprocess.bind(null, {context: {DEV: true, EXT_RES: extRes}})]

    // stub server
    if(startProxy) {
        stubServer.listen( { path: 'node_modules/abt-common-proxyserver/stub-server/stub-server.js' } );

gulp.task('clean-js', function () {
    return gulp.src(['dist/scripts/*'])

gulp.task('check-formatting-js', function () {
    return gulp.src(['app/scripts/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.spec.js'])

gulp.task('js-hint', function () {
    return gulp.src(['app/scripts/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.spec.js', 'Gulpfile.js'])

gulp.task('test-js', ['js-hint'], function () {
    return gulp.src('./no-file')
            configFile: argv.DEBUG ? 'build-config/karma.conf.debug.js' : 'build-config/karma.conf.js',
            action: argv.DEBUG ? 'watch' : 'run'

gulp.task('test-watch', function () {
    watch(['app/scripts/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.spec.js'], function () {
            configFile: 'build-config/karma.conf.debug.js',
            action: 'run'

gulp.task('gzip', function () {
    return gulp.src(['app/scripts/**/*.js', 'app/scripts/**/*.html'])

gulp.task('build-js', ['clean-js', 'check-formatting-js', 'gzip', 'js-hint', 'test-js'], function (done) {
// gulp.task('build-js', ['clean-js'], function (done) {

    /*  Getting some sass from gulp-requirejs so wrapping
     *  it ourselves using highland stream library

    /* Initial call to gulp.src gets a list of modules we
     * need to explicitly require otherwise the optimizer will miss them

    var plugins = ['plugins/router',

    function build(explicitModules) {
        var versionNumber = getVersionNumber();
        return hl(function (push, next) {
            function callback(text) {
                push(null, new gulpUtil.File({
                    path: 'main.js',
                    contents: new Buffer(text)
                push(null, hl.nil);

            //optimize to one file using rjs optimizer
            var rjsConfig = {
                mainConfigFile: 'app/scripts/main.js',
                name: 'main',
                baseUrl: 'app/scripts',
                include: explicitModules,
                out: callback,
                optimize: 'none',
                paths: {
                    'globals-json': 'empty:',
                    'permissions-json': 'empty:',
                    'appConfig-json': 'empty:'
            .pipe(preprocess({context: {DEV: false}}))
            .pipe(rename(function (path) {
                if (path.extname) {
                    path.basename += '-v' + versionNumber;
            .pipe(replace(/(define\('main)(')/, '$1-v' + versionNumber + '$2'))
            .on('end', done);

    return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.html')
        .map(function (file) {
            return 'text!' + file.relative;
            .map(function (file) {
                return 'viewmodules/' + file.relative.match(/(.*)\.js/)[1];
        .toArray(function (viewsAndViewmodels) {


gulp.task('clean-html', function () {
    return gulp.src(['dist/WEB-INF/views/secure/*'])

gulp.task('build-html', ['clean-html'], function () {
    return gulp.src('app/index.html')
        .pipe(preprocess({context: {DEV: false, LOCAL: false, VERSION: getVersionNumber()}}))

gulp.task('clean-vendor', function () {
    return gulp.src(['dist/vendor/*'])

gulp.task('lint-html', function() {
    return gulp.src(['app/index.html', 'app/scripts/**/*.html'])
                    editorconfig: '.editorconfig'
        .on('error', function () {

gulp.task('lint-html-report', function() {
    return gulp.src(['app/index.html', 'app/scripts/**/*.html'])
                    editorconfig: '.editorconfig'

gulp.task('copy-styles', ['clean-vendor'], function () {
    return gulp.src(['app/bower_components/abt-inv-view-style/dist/**', 'app/favicon.ico'])
        .pipe(rename(function (path) {
            if (path.extname === '.css') {
                path.basename += '-v' + getVersionNumber();

gulp.task('copy-js', ['clean-vendor'], function () {
    return gulp.src(['app/bower_components/requirejs/require.js',
        .pipe(rename(function (path) {
            if (path.extname) {
                path.basename += '-v' + getVersionNumber();

gulp.task('watch', function () {['app/index.html', 'app/scripts/**/*.html'], ['lint-html-report']);'app/**/*.html', function () {
    });['app/scripts/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js'], ['build-js']);

gulp.task('copy-assets', ['copy-styles', 'copy-js']);

gulp.task('build', ['copy-assets', 'build-js', 'lint-html', 'build-html']);

gulp.task('default', ['build-js', 'build-html']);

gulp.task('serve', ['build', 'connect', 'watch']);

gulp.task('serve-no-watch', ['build', 'connect']);

This would optimize page speed by 2/3rd of time.


  • You want to add the module

    Taken from the readme:

    Middleware for connect: serves compressed files if they exist, falls through to connect-static if they don't, or if browser does not send 'Accept-Encoding' header.

    You should use connect-gzip-static if your build process already creates gzipped files. If you want to gzip your data on the fly use built-in connect compress middleware. And if you want to gzip your files dynamically you may want to look up connect gzip.

    Add it to your connect middleware, and everything should be working as you want it!