I have an app for ios and android written in Xamarin which I am trying to build with Bitrise.
In the platform project I have 10 build configurations for different releases of the app. In the two submodule projects I have simply a debug & release configuration (and debug|iPhone & simulator on the ios project) - these projects don't need to know about which release of the app is going out - the build config's are for resources and manifest/plist details.
In the solution I use configurations mappings to specify what build config should be used for the submodule projects, i.e.
Solution Configuration : Release_a_particular_version Platform project maps to : Release_a_particular_version Core project maps to : Release Submodule Library maps to : Release
This builds fine in Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio but when building in Bitrise gets an error, project configuration not found. If I create configurations in both submodules with the same name as the solution_configuration everything builds well.
I imagine there's an msbuild switch to turn configuration mapping on? If there is, how would I apply that to the bitrise build step?
Or some alternative?
Without your Bitrise configuration and the failed build log, it is hard to answer this question.
To help you, we would need to take a look on your configuration and on the failed build log.
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