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How can i compile kobotoolbox/odk collect in Android Studio?

I have a basic understanding of git and i have been using Github and Bitbucket I was trying to get the source from Github! but i do not understand the given instructions in the read me.I have done my research , but i have found no solutions.

Things i have tried include

  1. Importing the project into Android Studio
  2. Copy pasting the source code into a new project


  • I have figured out the process, Here are the steps if any one requires them

    1. Launch Git console
    2. Make a new directory mkdir [directory name]
    3. Change to that directory cd [directory name]
    4. Clone the repos

    git clone git clone git clone

    1. These will automatically set these projects to the tip of master. Now change gradle-config to be at the version required by collect/settings.gradle (e.g., 40)

    cd gradle-config git checkout 40

    (4) Open Android Studio ...New /Import Project... collect/build.gradle