Search code examples

MERGE with UPSERT, not inserting any value in table

Table structure:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LockOfferByOfferUses](
[OfferID] [int] NULL,
[OfferCode] [varchar](50) NULL,
[LockCounter] [int] NULL,
[UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL

SQL statement:

merge into LockOfferByOfferUses as Target
using (Select * from LockOfferByOfferUses Where OfferID=123 And OfferCode='abc' ) as Source
on Target.OfferID = Source.OfferID
when NOT MATCHED then
INSERT (OfferID,OfferCode,LockCounter,UpdatedDate) VALUES (123,'abc',1,GETDATE())
when MATCHED then 
update set Target.LockCounter=Target.LockCounter+1;

What I am trying to do is, check if a record exists in "LockOfferByOfferUse" by the offerID. If it doesn't exist, insert a record; If exists update "LockCounter" column.

The update part works, but the insertion isn't working. It's displaying message "(0 row(s) affected)". No error message.


  • The source should be the data you want to use - not another query against the target table.

    So it should be something like:

    merge into LockOfferByOfferUses as Target
    using (VALUES(123)) as Source (OfferID)
    on Target.OfferID = Source.OfferID
    when NOT MATCHED then
    INSERT (OfferID,OfferCode,LockCounter,UpdatedDate) VALUES (Source.OfferID,'abc',1,GETDATE())
    when MATCHED then 
    update set Target.LockCounter=Target.LockCounter+1;

    (It's up to you where you move the other values up into the Source also, or just have them as literals in the INSERT - for more complex queries, more of the values might also be required in multiple places).