I'm trying to superscript a '-' straight after a subscript 4 in an axis title in ggplot2 using bquote. I'm so close! The following gives me everything EXCEPT a small, superscript - straight after the subscript 4:
qplot(uptake, data = CO2) +
ylab(bquote('Membrane available NH '[4]*'-N ( '*mu*'g' ~ resin^-1* ~ 14~day^-1*')'))
I've tried playing around the ^, for example:
qplot(uptake, data = CO2) +
ylab(bquote('Membrane available NH '[4]*^-'-N ( '*mu*'g' ~ resin^-1* ~ 14~day^-1*')'))
But get error messages such as:
Error: unexpected '^' in "qplot(uptake, data = CO2) +
ylab(bquote('Membrane available NH '[4]*^"
Clearly I'm not expressing the ^ correctly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
Is this what you want?
qplot(uptake, data = CO2) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(color="black", face="bold", size= 12, margin=margin(10,0,0,0)),
axis.title.y= element_text(color="black", face="bold", size= 18, margin=margin(0,10,0,0)))