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Auto check Allow external users to sign up in General settings page

I need to check **Allow external users to sign up ** field in general settings during installation of my custom module. i tried below code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <record id="auto_check_auth_signup_uninvited" model="base.config.settings">
                    <field name="auth_signup_uninvited"> True</field>
                    <field name="auth_signup_reset_password">True</field>


   <record id="auto_check_auth_signup_uninvited" model="base.config.settings">
        <field name="auth_signup_uninvited" eval="True"/>
        <field name="auth_signup_reset_password" eval="True"/>

Both of code didn't work. How can i do it?

enter image description here

I need check these two Boolean field pro-grammatically.


  • Finally i got answer:

    <function model="ir.config_parameter" name="set_param" eval="('auth_signup.allow_uninvited', True)" />
    <function model="ir.config_parameter" name="set_param" eval="('auth_signup.reset_password', True)" />