I am developing a simple User App to practice Symfony (3.1.3). I created a new Bundle,
namespace PIE10Bundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class BackendUmController extends Controller
* @Route("/user")
public function indexAction()
// nothing for now
* @Route("/user/add")
public function adduserAction()
return $this->render('PIE10Bundle:users:layout_new_user.html.twig');
and created a test view on,
When I try to access that using the following URL,
it gives the following 404 Error
No route found for "GET /user/add"
and I tried some on-line solutions like clear cache... but could not solve this and I need someones hand to get rid this error.
And please let me know if any other information needed related to my development.
Did you have add in app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@PIE10Bundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
You have to check this (name="foo"
* @Route("/", name="homepage")
public function adduserAction(Request $request)
// replace this example code with whatever you need