I have the following code:
NSAppleScript* playPause = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
@"tell application \"Xcode\"to activate \n to open POSIX file \"beetSapper.xcodeproj""\n"
@"end tell"];
[playPause executeAndReturnError:NULL];
However it is not opening the file "beetSapper" I guess the way I am writing the string is not working. Can somebody show how to write this command properly? Thanks
There are too many to
s in the code.
Since Xcode accepts also POSIX paths you can write
tell application "Xcode"
open "/Users/myUser/Documents/beetSapper.xcodeproj/"
end tell
The "stringyfied" equivalent is
"tell application \"Xcode\"\n activate\n open \"/Users/myUser/Documents/beetSapper.xcodeproj/\"\n end tell"
Be aware that you have to specify the full path to the project file starting with a slash.