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Weights and Bias from Trained Meta Graph

I have successfully exported a re-trained InceptionV3 NN as a TensorFlow meta graph. I have read this protobuf back into python successfully, but I am struggling to see a way to export each layers weight and bias values, which I am assuming is stored within the meta graph protobuf, for recreating the nn outside of TensorFlow.

My workflow is as such:

Retrain final layer for new categories
Export meta graph tf.train.export_meta_graph(filename='model.meta')
Build python using Protoc and meta_graph.proto
Load Protobuf:

import meta_graph_pb2
saved = meta_graph_pb2.CollectionDef()
with open('model.meta', 'rb') as f:

From here I can view most aspects of the graph, like node names and such, but I think my inexperience is making it difficult to track down the correct way to access the weight and bias values for each relevant layer.


  • The MetaGraphDef proto doesn't actually contain the values of the weights and biases. Instead it provides a way to associate a GraphDef with the weights stored in one or more checkpoint files, written by a tf.train.Saver. The MetaGraphDef tutorial has more details, but the approximate structure is as follows:

    1. In you training program, write out a checkpoint using a tf.train.Saver. This will also write a MetaGraphDef to a .meta file in the same directory.

      saver = tf.train.Saver(...)
      # ..., "model")

      You should find files called model.meta and model-NNNN (for some integer NNNN) in your checkpoint directory.

    2. In another program, you can import the MetaGraphDef you just created, and restore from a checkpoint.

      saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("model.meta")
      saver.restore("model-NNNN")  # Or whatever checkpoint filename was written.

      If you want to get the value of each variable, you can (for example) find the variable in tf.all_variables() collection and pass it to to get its value. For example, to print the values of all variables, you can do the following:

      for var in tf.all_variables():

      You could also filter tf.all_variables() to find the particular weights and biases that you're trying to extract from the model.