I have models A
and B
. Both have the magic
column. If a record a
from A
and a b
from B
have the same magic
, then they are related. Many records from A
and B
may have the same magic
Is there a way to express this belongs_to_many
sort of thing in my Rails models? How?
There's a high value in following the Rails way, and what you're trying to do isn't the standard way of doing this.
The Rails Way: You should create a has-and-belongs-to-many relationship using an intermediate model and table, as described in the Rails Guides website.
But if you insist...: Try this:
# model_a.rb
class ModelA < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :model_bs, class_name: 'ModelB',
foreign_key: :magic,
primary_key: :magic
# model_b.rb
class ModelB < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :model_as, class_name: 'ModelA',
foreign_key: :magic,
primary_key: :magic
I haven't tested this, but I am fairly certain that it would work.
Final words... Don't do it! Follow the Rails way. :)