I'm writing code for a graphics window with several GUI items which run callback functions. Currently I've got a text box and a slider control, and I set things up so that a change to the text box value not only changes the data displayed but also updates the slider position to match that value. The problem I'm running into is in trying to keep my varargin
arguments (as entered to the main function when creating the graphics window) from being enclosed in a parent cell
variable. When my top-level varargin
contains a Value-Parameter pair, varargin
is a cell
of dimension 1x2 . That's fine. Normally, one can pass all these arguments to an internal function call like this:
function topfunc(varargin)
And the function dosomething
sees the correct list of arguments. But when I pass the varargins thru the callback
definition, as in
txtui = uicontrol(hf,'Style','edit','string',fristframe,'backgroundcolor','y',...
'position',[10 100 50 20],'Tag','Scaler','UserData',lsatframe,...
'Callback',{@doslide,adcname,mode,goodframes,{varargin{:}} } );
and then the function doslide
calls the plotting update function dordplot
function doslide(theui,event,fileName,mode, goodframes,varargin)
% code snipped...
Inside doslide
, varargin
is a 1x1 cell containing the expected 1x2 cell .
I put in a kludge fix in my final function, where the contents of varargin
are actually used, with the line
varargin = varargin{:};
But it seems wrong that varargin
ever gets wrapped inside a cell in the first place.
Is there a fix, or did I define my callback function call incorrectly?
Per the documentation for varargin
When the function executes,
is a1-by-N
cell array, whereN
is the number of inputs that the function receives after the explicitly declared inputs.
In your callback declaration you have:
Wrapping varargin{:}
in braces concatenates it back into a cell array, so you are only ever passing 1 input to doslide
after goodframes
Remove the braces:
{@doslide, adcname, mode, goodframes, varargin{:}}