I understand that this question has been asked 1000 times but every answer I can find on Stackoverflow and other websites are all the same: Either (1) The user is using Genymotion, (2) the user is using HTC Sync in Windows.
I am doing neither. I am currently running in OS/X (10.11.6) and am using a Moto X (2nd gen) phone running Android 6.0.
Many times (not every time) when I run "adb logcat", I get
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
This is a problem because I am trying to run some automated tests using gradlew (since using "adb shell am instrument" doesn't produce the JUnit style report I need) and collect logs... but every time I start "adb logcat", something in gradlew (apparently) tries to startup adb, which then kills all running instances of adb.
Has anyone seen this problem without using Genymotion/HTCSync/Windows and knows a solution?
The root cause of the server is out of date
issue is still the same regardless the OS and/or other software used - you have multiple copies of adb
binary in your system. And the solution is also the same:
(remove the duplicates)