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Aerospike Query Return Highest Value

I'm trying to create a query for my Aerospike database, that would return the highest value in a specific bin; similar to the way that the MAX() function works in MySQL. For example, if I had a set like this:

| filename     | version |
| alphabet.doc | 4       |
| people.doc   | 2       |
| alphabet.doc | 6       |
| people.doc   | 3       |

What I need is to only return the filename with the highest version number. At the moment I can add a filter like this:

    stmt := db.NewStatement(DBns, DBset, "filename", "version")
    stmt.Addfilter(db.NewEqualFilter("filename", "alphabet.doc"))

    // run database query
    records := runQuery(stmt)

Anyone know how to do this?


  • You can apply a Lua user-defined function (UDF) to the query to filter the results efficiently.

    E.g. here is a Stream UDF that would return the record with the max. version number:

    function maxVersion(stream, bin)
      -- The stream function cannot return record objects directly,
      -- so we have to map to a Map data type first.
      local function toArray(rec)
        local result = map()
        result['filename'] = rec['filename']
        result['version'] = rec['version']
        return result
      local function findMax(a, b)
        if a.version > b.version then
          return a
          return b
      return stream : map(toArray) : reduce(findMax)

    Using the Go client you would execute the function like this:

      stmt := NewStatement(ns, set)
      recordset, _ := client.QueryAggregate(nil, stmt, "udfFilter", "maxVersion")
      for rec := range recordset.Results() {
        res := rec.Record.Bins["SUCCESS"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
        fmt.Printf("filename with max. version: %s (ver. %d)\n", res["filename"], res["version"])

    I've uploaded a fully working example as a Gist here:

    You can find more information about how to work with Stream UDFs for query aggregation here: