Is there any way to close ActiveUIDocument using Revit API? I have created a separate addin to close the ActiveUIDocument which works from the Revit GUI but when i try to call that addin from Idling event handler, nothing happens. Please help.
Below is the code for my addin:
private void CloseDoc(object obj)
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
Threadpool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Close));
return Result.Succeeded;
Code used to call addin from within Idling event handler :
RevitCommandId id_built_in = RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.SheetIssuesOrRevisions);
RevitCommandId addinID = RevitCommandId.LookupCommandId("1869A8A1-A239-41CF-9A79-96234D92DEF4");
Addinn Manifest file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AddIn Type="Command">
<Text>Addin External Launcher</Text>
Last few lines of Journal Output after calling addin:
' 1:< total bytes expanded: 35414988
' 1:< ;EES;0;0;86;0;0;0;0;0;14;
' 1:< 0 ModelServerState "Destroyed": Current server = "Not Queried", Model server = "", Model server state = "Not Applicable"
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 3385 / 8040 623=InUse 629=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8384617 / 8388607 536=InUse 542=Peak
' 1:< ::9:: Delta VM: Avail -13 -> 8384597 MB, Used +28 -> 564 MB, Peak +21 -> 564 MB; RAM: Avail -26 -> 3360 MB, Used +41 -> 664 MB, Peak +36 -> 665 MB
'E 24-Aug-2016 15:02:28.961; 1:<
' [Jrn.File Input Information] COMMON.FILE_INPUT.FILE_TYPE: .rvt 013144064.000000
' 0:< The Idling event callback used 53 seconds
' 3:< ::10:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 8384577 MB, Used +6 -> 570 MB, Peak +6 -> 570 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 3358 MB, Used +3 -> 667 MB, Peak +1 -> 667 MB
' 0.114085 4:<<From Parking Area: ;PERF;MISC;generating greps
' 0:< ::10:: Delta VM: Avail +5 -> 8384583 MB, Used -13 -> 558 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 3361 MB, Used -7 -> 661 MB, Peak +0 -> 668 MB
' 0.372841 1:<<;PERF;MISC;drawing/ALL_GAPS 0.258756/TurnOff_GAPs 74%
'C 24-Aug-2016 15:02:29.386; 0:< idle0_doc
'H 24-Aug-2016 15:02:29.386; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowPressAndDrag" _
, 1
' 0:< <<Begin build CT>>
'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON
'Category: 0
'Bar list:
' Dialog_Revit_DynamicLabelDBar
' Dialog_Essentials_FilterSelectionNew
'Presenter list:
' PP_DebugTab_Binding_Demo
'Product: Architecture
'<<End build CT>>
Why not directly call your method from the Idling handler?
private void ApplicationOnIdling(object sender, IdlingEventArgs idlingEventArgs)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Close));
And while you're at it, why not use a Task instead of ThreadPool?
Task.Run(() => SendKeys.SendWait("^{F4}"));
It accomplishes the same thing, and is cleaner than having an extra method with an unused parameter.