I've created a ruby script that executes fine if I run it from Console.
The script fetches some information from various websites and saves it to my database table.
However, when I want to turn the code into a rake task, the code still runs, but it does not save any new records. I don't get any errors from the rake either.
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
require './crawler2.rb'
task :default => [:crawler]
task :crawler do
### ###
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
start = Time.now
$a = 0
sites = ["http://www.nytimes.com","http://www.news.com"]
for $a in 0..sites.size-1
url = sites[$a]
$i = 75
$error = 0
avoid_these_links = ["/tv", "//www.facebook.com/"]
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
links = doc.css("a")
hrefs = links.map {|link| link.attribute('href').to_s}.uniq.sort.delete_if {|href| href.empty?}.delete_if {|href| avoid_these_links.any? { |w| href =~ /#{w}/ }}.delete_if {|href| href.size < 10 }
#puts hrefs.length
#puts hrefs
for $i in 0..hrefs.length
#puts hrefs[60] #for debugging)
#file = open(url)
#doc = Nokogiri::HTML(file) do
if hrefs[$i].downcase().include? "http://"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(hrefs[$i]))
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url+hrefs[$i]))
image = doc.at('meta[property="og:image"]')['content']
title = doc.at('meta[property="og:title"]')['content']
article_url = doc.at('meta[property="og:url"]')['content']
description = doc.at('meta[property="og:description"]')['content']
category = doc.at('meta[name="keywords"]')['content']
newspaper_id = 1
puts "\n"
puts $i
#puts "Image: " + image
#puts "Title: " + title
#puts "Url: " + article_url
#puts "Description: " + description
puts "Catory: " + category
:headline => title,
:caption => description,
:thumbnail_url => image,
:category_id => 3,
:status => true,
:journalist_id => 2,
:newspaper_id => newspaper_id,
:from_crawler => true,
:description => description,
:original_url => article_url}) unless Article.exists?(original_url: article_url)
$i +=1
#puts $i #for debugging
#puts "Error here: " + url+hrefs[$i] if $i < hrefs.length
$i +=1 # do_something_* again, with the next i
$error +=1
puts "Page: " + url
puts "Articles: " + hrefs.length.to_s
puts "Errors: " + $error.to_s
$a +=1
finish = Time.now
diff = ((finish - start)/60).to_s
puts diff + " Minutes"
### ###
The code executes fine, if I save the file as crawler.rb and open it in Console by doing --> " load './crawler2.rb' ". When I use the exact same code in a rake task, I get no new records.
I figured out what was wrong.
I need to remove:
require './crawler2.rb'
task :default => [:crawler]
and instead edit the following:
task :crawler => :environment do
Now the crawler runs every ten minutes with a bit of help from Heroku scheduler :-)
Thanks for the help guys - and sorry for the bad formatting. Hope this answer may help others.