I'm, trying to write a simple program to batch rename files in a folder.
file format:
I have 48 of the above with a different 14 digit character configuration after the first "-".
My final goal is to convert the above to:
I know it's possible to os.rename files in python. However, I can't figure out how to batch rename multiple files with a different character configuration.
Is this possible?
some pseudocode below of what I would like to achieve.
import os
pathiter = (os.path.join(root, filename)
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(folder)
for filename in filenames
for path in pathiter:
newname = path.replace('14 digits.txt', ' 0 digits.txt')
if newname != path:
If you are looking for a non-regex approach and considering your files all match that particular pattern you are expecting, what you can do first is get the extension of the file using splitext
from os.path import splitext
file_name = '11170_tcd001-20160824-094716.txt'
extension = splitext(file_name)[1]
print(extension) # outputs: .txt
Then, with the extension in hand, split the file_name on the -
and get the first item since you know that is the part that you want to keep:
new_filename = file_name.split('-')[0]
print(new_filename) # 11170_tcd001
Now, append the extension:
new_filename = new_filename + extension
print(new_filename) # 11170_tcd001.txt
Now you can proceed with the rename:
os.rename(file_name, new_filename)