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confused by YAML::NodeType::Undefined with yaml-cpp

I have a test yaml file that I am trying to parse using yaml-cpp.


    # this points to additional config files to be parsed
        required: "thing1.yaml"
        optional: "thing2.yaml"
    #some extraneous config information 
    foo: 42
    bar: 394
    baz: 8675309

I parse it I get testConfig.Type() returns YAML::NodeType::Map. And this is expected behavior.

Then, I try to parse the includes to get the required or optional values I can't iterate because includes.Type() returns YAML::NodeType::Undefined. I'm really new to yaml and to yaml-cpp so any help showing me where I am going wrong would be appreciated.

parsing code:

{includes and other such nonsense} 
YAML::Node configRoot = YAML::LoadFile(path.c_str() );
if( configRoot.IsNull() )
    SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR("Failed to load the config file: %s.",
    return false;

YAML::Node includes = configRoot["includes"];
/*  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 * I believe that here lies the issue as includes is undefined and
 * therefore I cannot iterate over it.
for( auto it = include.begin(); it != include.end(); ++it )
    // do some fantastically brilliant CS voodoo!
{ more C++ craziness to follow }

SOLUTION: I removed the unnecessary top level configTest so that I could parse the includes as I needed.


  • You're looking at configRoot["includes"], but the top level key in your map is testConfig. Use configRoot["testConfig"] instead.