How to navigate relative from /questions/123/step1
to /questions/123/step2
within a component using Router
without string concatenation and specifying /questions/123/
I've added an own answer below. Please feel free to suggest a better answer. ;-) I guess there are better approaches.
After doing some more research I came across with
this.router.createUrlTree(['../step2'], {relativeTo: this.activatedRoute});
this.router.navigate(['../step2'], {relativeTo: this.activatedRoute});
First approach (Router.createUrlTree API) did not work for me, i.e. nothing happened. Second approach (Router.navigate API) works.
Update 2016-10-12
There is another stackoverflow question as well:
Update 2016-10-24
Update 2019-03-08
It seems that there were changes in Angular 7.1. There is an answer in another post how to solve it with Angular 7.1. Please refer to