I am trying to fetch data through RODBC package from Vertica DB. I currently have a SQL query like the one below.
library(rodbc) channel = odbcconnect("VerticaDB") query = paste
FROM item_history
WHERE item_exp_date BETWEEN ",x," AND ",y,"
AND item_code IN ('A1',
'B2')",sep="")result = (sqlQuery(channel,query)
I have been able to parameterize the data passed in the 'BETWEEN' clause. Is there a way i can parameterize data being passed in the 'IN' clasue?
Also the number of data elements being passed in the 'IN' clause is very high (over 100 distinct items).
Is there a way if it can be passed from an external Vector or a file?
To do this with string manipulation as in the question:
x <- "2000-01-01"
y <- "2001-01-01"
Item_Code <- c('A1','A2','B1','B2')
query <- sprintf("select * from Item_History
where Item_Exp_Date between '%s' and '%s'
and Item_Code in (%s)", x, y, toString(shQuote(Item_Code, 'sh')))
We could alternately use fn$
from the gsubfn package for string interpolation:
query2 <- fn$identity("select * from Item_History
where Item_Exp_Date between '$x' and '$y'
and Item_Code in ( `toString(shQuote(Item_Code, 'sh'))` )")