I want to create my own Typings DefinitelyTyped for Ranking project (https://github.com/maxcnunes/ranking)
I've try some implementation following...
declare module 'ranking' {
interface RankingPlayer {
position: number
score: number
playerId: any
interface Ranking {
maxScore: number
branchFactor: number
players: any
setScore(player: RankingPlayer);
addPlayerPoints(player: RankingPlayer);
interface RankingStatic {
(config: any): Ranking;
var ranking: RankingStatic;
export = ranking;
When I try with code
import Ranking from 'ranking'
console.log(Ranking) // This out '[Function: Ranking]'
const ranking = new Ranking({}) // This Error 'Cannot call a class as a function'
So I try again with the following codes...
declare module 'ranking' {
interface RankingPlayer {
position: number
score: number
playerId: any
export default class Ranking {
maxScore: number
branchFactor: number
players: any
constructor(config: any)
setScore(player: RankingPlayer)
addPlayerPoints(player: RankingPlayer)
And try with code
import Ranking from 'ranking'
console.log(Ranking) // This out 'undefined'
const ranking = new Ranking({}) // This Error 'ranking_1.default is not a constructor'
Don't know what should do to implement this :(
It seems like Ranking
is a class, so I would also define it as such:
declare module 'ranking' {
class Ranking {
constructor(options?: {})
export = Ranking
Then you can just call it like:
import Ranking = require('ranking');
const ranking = new Ranking({
maxScore: 1000000,
branchFactor: 1000
Notice the use of import Ranking = require('ranking')
instead of import Ranking from 'ranking'
. For the full discussion on the difference, I refer you to this github issue.
Also I answered a very similar question, you might want to check out.