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How to write a $state parameter into an view (ionic)

I have this scenario an user clicks on a link, I catch the event and prevent it from redirect me to this url, instead I save it and send the user to an specific state/view using $state.go('app.myState', {myParam: url_captured});

The parameter gets sended but now I need to show this url inside an iframe in the view, I tried

<iframe src="{{$state.params.myParam}}"></iframe>

but it doesn't show anything just throw an empty iframe.

How to I access the parameter?


  • if you use this:


    involve that in the scope of this controller there's a var named $state

    add this to your controller:

    $scope.myParam = $state.params.myParam

    then replace the iframe with:

    <iframe src="{{myParam}}"></iframe>