I'm working on setting up an ArangoDB cluster in an Ubuntu machine based on these instructions : https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/blob/b7cc85349c132f2ec7020dcddbd53e5bcfe12895/Documentation/Books/Manual/Deployment/Distributed.md
I keep getting the below error when i execute the first command in the above documentation with sudo. I ensured that all the directories pointing to in the /etc/arangod.conf file has the required permissions. Please can you let me know if i'm missing something here.
Below is the error i get :
2016-08-23T07:29:52Z [26629] FATAL unable to create database directory: Failed to create directory [agency1] Permission denied
The command passes the database directory on the command line (agency1) and arangodb doesn't seem to have rights to create agency1 in your current working directory.
Either provide a proper working directory on the command line or specify one in the config file.