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HTML button not working after adding css to a h3

I wanted my h3 to be aligned with my buttons so I made its position absolute and a couple other things. If you want to view the problem you can go here. I don't know anything else I could use to describe the problem. Oh and the show is Once Upon A Time Season 5. Any help will be appreciated greatly.


  • Try these changes in your html code

    <form method="get">
      <h3 class="watching_what">
        <button class="change" style="float:left;" type="submit" name="episode_num" value="0">Previous</button>
            You Are Watching Episode 1          
        <button class="change" style="float:right;" type="submit" name="episode_num" value="2">Next</button>

    And in your css code remove the transform property

      text-align: center;
      color: 003099;
      position: absolute;
      /* position: element(#target); */
      /* transform: translateY(-100%); */
      left: 0px;
      right: 0px;
      padding-top: 18pt;
      padding-bottom: 18pt;