My Delphi 2006 TADOCommand has it's
CommandText (including parameters), Prepared (True), ParamCheck (True)
properties all set at design time.
Is there a way for me to go about deleting some of it's Parameters at run time, without having to change the CommandText to accomodate these changes. This is desireable in the case that some of the table columns that the parameters reference do not need updating/inserting.
I'm thinking of something along the lines of
Many Thanks,
Each item in Parameters collection corresponds to parameter marker in the command text. It is like API to this marker. Removing items from Parameters will not remove the corresponding marker. If you does not need to touch some field in your command text, then you have to modify command text and remove corresponding parameter marker.
When command text is prepared, the DBMS has built command execution plan and allocated some resources, required for command execution. If you will change the command text, then DBMS has to build new command execution plan.
Kind of that ...