Using SQL Server 2012 I'm running the following basic query
FROM APXFirm.dbo.AdvMacro
However it's come to my attention that every result row has numerous carriage returns embeded, and I need a specific row within the rows.
Below is how the result set looks in SQL.
However when pasting it in Notepad it'll look something like this.
[Description] TaxLot information for populating Holdings table
[Portfolios] @master
[Mode] Management
[AutoPrint] No
[Graph] No
[Sheet] No
[Attended] No
[Apply Copies] No
[Page Number By] Report
[Number One Page Reports] No
[Consolidate Composites] Both
[Frames] Yes
[Output File] TxLotExt
[Error File] TxLotExt
[Report] txlotext.rep Report txlotext.rep
$prifile 123103
$_outfile TxLotExt.xml
gauge 2 1
prop MB
frame g1 2 c y y y "Report txlotext.rep" y - y y 0 0 100 100 000000 ffffff 0 1 "" ffffff 000000 360 0 0 6a240a n
frame g0 2 r n n y "Report txlotext.rep" y - y y 0 0 100 100 000000 ffffff 0 1 "" ffffff 000000 360 0 0 6a240a n
What I need is lines that begin with [Report] including the brackets, but I need the information that follows.
txlotext.rep Report txlotext.rep
I'm not sure how to query a row within a row.
RIGHT(MacroText,LEN(MacroText) - CHARINDEX('[Report] ',MacroText) - LEN('[Report] ')),
CHARINDEX(CHAR(13),RIGHT(MacroText,LEN(MacroText) - CHARINDEX('[Report] ',MacroText) - LEN('[Report] '))) - 1
))) as DesiredLine
FROM APXFirm.dbo.AdvMacro
Use a combination of CHARINDEX(), RIGHT(), LEFT(), and/or SUBSTRING() to find what you want and cut up the string. CHAR(13) is carriage return.