I have this language AST
data ExprF r = Const Int
| Var String
| Lambda String r
| EList [r]
| Apply r r
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable )
And I want to convert it to string
toString = cata $ \case
Const x -> show x
Var x -> x
EList x -> unwords x
Lambda x y -> unwords [x, "=>", y]
Apply x y -> unwords [x, "(", y, ")"]
But when lambda is used in Apply
I need the parentheses
(x => x)(1)
but I cannot match inner structure with cata
toString :: Fix ExprF -> String
toString = cata $ \case
Const x -> show x
Var x -> x
Lambda x y -> unwords [x, "=>", y]
Apply (Lambda{}) y -> unwords ["(", x, ")", "(", y, ")"]
Apply x y -> unwords [x, "(", y, ")"]
Is there any better solution than para
toString2 :: Fix ExprF -> String
toString2 = para $ \case
Const x -> show x
Var x -> x
Lambda x (_,y) -> unwords [x, "=>", y]
EList x -> unwords (snd <$> x)
Apply ((Fix Lambda {}),x) (_,y) -> unwords ["(", x, ")", "(", y, ")"]
Apply (_,x) (_,y) -> unwords [x, "(", y, ")"]
It looks uglier. Even it is needed only in one place I need to remove fst tuple parameters everywhere and I guess it will be slower.
As @chi, @DanielWagner and I pointed out in the comments, the way to do this sort of pretty-printing-with-parenthesisation in a structurally recursive manner is "the showsPrec
The big idea is not to fold up the syntax tree into a String
, but into a function Bool -> String
. This gives us a degree of context-sensitivity in the fold: we'll use that extra Bool
parameter to keep track of whether we're currently in the context of the left-hand side of an application.
parens x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
ppAlg :: ExprF (Bool -> String) -> (Bool -> String)
ppAlg (Const x) isBeingApplied = show x
ppAlg (Var x) isBeingApplied = x
ppAlg (Lambda name body) isBeingApplied = p ("\\" ++ name ++ " -> " ++ body False)
where p = if isBeingApplied then parens else id
ppAlg (EList es) isBeingApplied = unwords (sequenceA es False)
ppAlg (Apply fun arg) isBeingApplied = fun True ++ " " ++ arg False
We pass values of isBeingApplied
down the recursive calls depending on where we are in the syntax tree right now. Note that the only place we're passing down True
is as an argument to fun
in the body of the Apply
case. Then, in the Lambda
case, we inspect that argument. If the current term is the left-hand part of an application we parenthesise the lambda; if not we don't.
At the top level, having folded up the whole tree into a function Bool -> String
, we pass it an argument of False
- we're not currently in the context of an application - to get a String
pp :: Expr -> String
pp ex = cata ppAlg ex False
ghci> pp $ app (lam "x" (var "x")) (cnst 2)
"(\\x -> x) 2"
By replacing the Bool
with an Int
, this approach can be generalised to parenthesising operators with arbitrary precedences, as covered in @DanielWagner's linked answer.