I'm updating an Obj-C project, and a model for a "upload model" is made with a CLLocation
of similar to this:
NSLog output:
<+38.03744507,+122.80317688> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 8/23/16, 9:44:41 PM Central European Summer Time
So I would assume I could just extract that data as this:
CLLocation *lat = self.currentUploadPackage.placeLocation.coordinate.latitude;
I get to placeLocation
, but Xcode claims that it doesn't contain coordinate
nor latitude
(/Users/user/Development/app/ShareDescriptionViewController.m:92:37: Property 'latitude' cannot be found in forward class object 'CLLocation')
How do I go about getting the long/lat data from the CLLocation
mentioned above? Or any hints.
(PS: I am not good with ObjC, as I focused on Swift)
Note that the error mentions "forward class object 'CLLocation'".
This means you use @class CLLocation
somewhere (probably in some .h file). But this doesn't provide any details about CLLocation
other than it is some class.
To fix your code you need to import the proper .h file in the .m file that actually tries to access properties of CLLocation
#import <CoreLocation/CLLocation.h>