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How to specify proxy credentials for lagom / activator / sbt?

I am trying out Lagom from Lightbend, using the my-first-system template from the GettingStarted page.

I am on Windows 10, and behind a corporate proxy.

Activator fails to download some dependencies due to missing credentials for the proxy. I have set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

The following error is reported by activator:

[info] Updating {file:/E:/Projects/LagomHelloWorld/my-first-system/project/}my-first-system-build...
[info] Resolving com.lightbend.lagom#lagom-sbt-plugin;1.0.0 ...
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
[error] Unable to find credentials for [ @ <proxy-ipv4-addr> ].
[warn]  module not found: com.lightbend.lagom#lagom-sbt-plugin;1.0.0

Note: The error message contains the actual IPv4 address, not the substitute I show above.

Where should I specify the user id and password for the proxy?

How can I do that in a secure way?


  • Activator should check for system properties, in your case

    #-Dhttp.proxyUser=PUT YOUR PROXY USER HERE
    #-Dhttp.proxyPassword=PUT YOUR PROXY PASSWORD HERE

    in a file ~/.activator/activatorconfig.txt.

    This is described in detail in the FAQ section on

    Scroll down to the section "Behind a Proxy".