I upgraded Plesk 12.0 to 12.5 today and got a hard error that causes my website to be unreachable.
If I open the website on the server i get the following error message:
It says that it that a second entry of the type "mimeType" with the key attribute .woff cant be added.
Can someone help me with that error?
UPDATE I deleted the entries in the file which called the error and now it is working again. What i am asking myself: was it the right way to delete this error? Don't want to have any further errors in the future because of that!
Change your config like this:
<remove fileExtension=".woff" />
<remove fileExtension=".woff2" />
<remove fileExtension=".eot" />
<remove fileExtension=".ttf" />
<remove fileExtension=".svg" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/vnd.ms-fontobject" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".ttf" mimeType="application/font-sfnt" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff2" />