I am trying to use Scapy to send packets that have a BGP layer
I am currently stuck on a rudimentary part of this problem because I am unable to set up the BGP layer. I followed the instructions to set up the regular IP and TCP Layer.
But the problem arises when I do this:
NameError: name BGP is not defined
I have seen the BGP implementations in the contrib file from Scapy Github (https://github.com/secdev/scapy/blob/9201f1cf1318edd5768d7e2ee968b7fba0a24c5e/scapy/contrib/bgp.py) so I think Scapy does support BGP implementations
I am new to networking so I was wondering if you could help me set up the BGP layer
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Just going to try and help here. I have zero experience with BGP type packets, but... I copied the bgp.py file from the link you provided into scapy/layers. Using ls() I found the following:
BGPAuthenticationData : BGP Authentication Data
BGPErrorSubcodes : BGP Error Subcodes
BGPHeader : BGP header
BGPNotification : BGP Notification fields
BGPOpen : BGP Open Header
BGPOptionalParameter : BGP Optional Parameters
BGPPathAttribute : BGP Attribute fields
BGPUpdate : BGP Update fields
I could then use say ls(BGPUpdate) to show this:
withdrawn_len : ShortField = (None)
withdrawn : FieldListField = ([])
tp_len : ShortField = (None)
total_path : PacketListField = ([])
nlri : FieldListField = ([])
and was able to create this packet:
pkt = pkt = IP()/TCP()/BGPUpdate()
###[ IP ]###
version = 4
ihl = None
tos = 0x0
len = None
id = 1
flags =
frag = 0
ttl = 64
proto = tcp
chksum = None
src =
dst =
\options \
###[ TCP ]###
sport = ftp_data
dport = http
seq = 0
ack = 0
dataofs = None
reserved = 0
flags = S
window = 8192
chksum = None
urgptr = 0
options = {}
###[ BGP Update fields ]###
withdrawn_len= None
withdrawn = []
tp_len = None
nlri = []
I'm not sure what all of the different types of BGP layers/packets are used for or where the Communities Number would be set. Possibly in BGPPathAttribute(type=x). Type 5 is "LOCAL_PREF" which may correspond to Community Values. Try this Link.
pkt = BGPPathAttribute(type=5)
###[ BGP Attribute fields ]###
flags = Transitive
attr_len = None
value = ''
Anyway, hope that helps a little.
Edit: Forgot. I also added "bgp" to the load_layers section of scapy/config.py. Line 373. Like this:
load_layers = ["l2", "inet", "dhcp", "dns", "dot11", "gprs", "hsrp", "inet6", "ir", "isakmp", "l2tp",
"mgcp", "mobileip", "netbios", "netflow", "ntp", "ppp", "radius", "rip", "rtp",
"sebek", "skinny", "smb", "snmp", "tftp", "x509", "bluetooth", "dhcp6", "llmnr", "sctp", "vrrp",