The following Picture indicates that many applications could use PF_RING clusters.
I have tested this by the following commands.
./zount -i eth0 -c 55 ---- ok
./zcount1 -i eth0 -c 99 ----- ok
Suppose i want to use pf_ring zc. As far as i know If you open a device using a PF_RING-aware driver in zero copy (e.g. pfcount -i zc:eth1) the device becomes unavailable to standard networking as it is accessed in zero-copy through kernel bypass, as happened with the predecessor DNA. Once the application accessing the device is closed, standard networking activities can take place again.
I have 2 questions:
Question 1- as long as the application connected to the NIC via ZC (e.g. pfcount -i zc:eth1), the NIC is inaccessible to other applications .in such a situations no one could use zero copy.
$pfcount2 -i zc:eth1 -------- error .
if i am wrong ,is it possible to use PF_RING ZC like PF_RING? the following pic show what i am trying to say.
Question 2: is it possible to use PFRing_zc as follow? if the answer is YES, how ? is there any API?
Thanks in Advance
cardigliano, a ntop member ,answered my question:
yes you can do both with zbalance:
zbalance_ipc -i zc:ethX -c 99 -m 0 -n
zbalance_ipc -i zc:ethX -c 99 -m 0 -n ,
Please take a look at zbalance_ipc -h for more options and at the zbalance_ipc output to see how to attach consumers to the cluster. There is also a README.examples with a few examples.