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Xperido Need steps for nested loop with condtion

Using Xperido with CRM , in a way i need to bind data to table

for eg. Product with price list for yearly , Monthly

  1. Product Loop
  2. Pricelist loop

so i have to loop these 2 and match it and find the data


  • XperiDo has user guide documentation describing how to setup a loop of data here, I suggest you start there as its a bit too long to reproduce here.

    Loops are one of the basic functions of the XperiDo add-in. With loops, you have the possibility to map a set of recurring items in a list. You can use loops when you have multiple items you want to show, such as a list of contacts, products or services.

    Looping in XperiDo is done by following these steps:

    • Select the zone to loop over.
    • Select the recurring field in your dataset.
    • Finalize the loop.

    You can then further tweak the loop's settings.