I red the following article and it seems like I should be able to define a variable of type varying that's size limit will be 16mb instead of 65535 characters.
This forum post suggests that it is posible to do this in V6.1.
D BigVarying S a Len(25000000) Varying(4)
When I try to implement this I get the following errors and it seems like I cannot use Len(25000000) Varying(4)
Maybe I don't understand what exactly is meant by V6.1 but I checked on the Green screen using the command DSPSFWRSC
and get the following Release V6R1..
I also checked by using I systems navigator and I checked the servers properties and it is : i5/OS version Version 6 Release 1 Modification 0.
The IDE I use to compile is IBM Websphere development studio
Version: 7.0.0
Build id: 20070202_0030
Trying to compile a RPGLE function.
Am I checking the correct version or is there a RPG version and how do you check it.
can you please help me out of my confusion.
V6.1 is your operating system version and you can refer to the V6.1 ILE RPG Language Reference here to see if it's possible. I think what you're looking for is on page 185.
I've just tested this in 7.2 and I am not getting the same errors.
D BigVarying S a Len(25000000) Varying(4)
RNF0501E Length of character item exceeds 16773104; length defaults to 16773104.
RNF0231E Length of varying length character item exceeds 16773100; length defaults to 16773100.
//Dcl-S BigVarying Varchar(25000000);
BigVarying = 'Hello world';
So, as the (duplicate) error mentions
Length of character item exceeds 16773104; length defaults to 16773104.
If you'd like a bigger length you'll need to update to a newer version of IBM i - but the max length is also 16773104, meaning 25000000 is invalid.