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Check If FILE is OPEN or NOT

I am working in MS Words Rough.doc file and I want to check if Ceemea & Latam.doc File is open or not. There should be two possible output.

1. If already opened then Activate

2. If not, then open Ceemea & Latam

Using following code but it returning compile error

If AlreadyOpen("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\EMEA CEEMEA\CEEMEA & LATAM.doc") Then

    Windows("CEEMEA & LATAM").Activate


    Documents.Open FileName:="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\EMEA CEEMEA\CEEMEA & LATAM.doc"

End If


  • sub ActivateOrOpen()
        on error goto nofile
        Windows("CEEMEA & LATAM").Activate
        exit sub
        Documents.Open FileName:="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\EMEA CEEMEA\CEEMEA & LATAM.doc"
    end sub