I already have a solution but I am looking at a solution which does all the job on MongoServer (Because I think it'd be faster and less memory consuming)
I have a Class Method like:
function getTotalOutstandingAmount(){
$outstandingAmount = 0;
$subs = $this->mongo->selectCollection('SmsSubscriptions');
$activeSubsctiptions = $subs->find(array('Status' => 1, '$where' => "this.SubscriptionPayments < this.SubscriptionTotal"));
foreach ($activeSubsctiptions AS $sub){
$outstandingAmount += $sub['SubscriptionTotal'] - $sub['SubscriptionPayments'];
return $outstandingAmount;
Now is there a way of calculating the Sum of differences of the two fields using aggregate
method of MongoDB? Is there any other more efficient way of doing this?
The aggregation approach should have this pipeline:
"$project": {
"outstandingAmount": {
"$subtract": ["$SubscriptionTotal", "$SubscriptionPayments"]
"Status": 1
{ "$match": { "Status": 1, "outstandingAmount": { "$gt": 0 } } },
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"totalOutstandingAmount": { "$sum": "$outstandingAmount" }
The equivalent PHP example implementation:
$ops = array(
"$project" => array(
"Status" => 1,
"outstandingAmount" => array(
"$subtract" => array("$SubscriptionTotal", "$SubscriptionPayments")
"$match" => array(
"Status" => 1,
"outstandingAmount" => array("$gt" => 0)
"$group" => array(
"_id" => null,
"totalOutstandingAmount" => array("$sum" => "$outstandingAmount" )
$results = $this->mongo->selectCollection('SmsSubscriptions')->aggregate($ops);