Does the header file couldn't include another header file in C?
I download the code from Nuvoton website, for Keil C51 project, use the UART sample code, just add the file "EasyTransfer.h" and include "Typedef.h", the result shows lots of error message below.
\N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(1): error C231: 'BIT': redefinition \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(2): error C231: 'UINT8': redefinition \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(3): error C231: 'UINT16': redefinition \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(4): error C141: syntax error near 'UINT32' \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(6): error C231: 'uint8_t': redefinition \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(7): error C231: 'uint16_t': redefinition \N79E85x_Sample_Code_V1.0.8(1)\Include\Typedef.h(8): error C141: syntax error near 'uint32_t'
The "EasyTransfer.h" is simple, just few of lines
#ifndef EasyTransfer_h
#define EasyTransfer_h
#include "Typedef.h"
uint8_t * address; //address of struct
The following is the main code and source link, I think it could be helpful to understand my question.
#define Uart_Port_Sel 0x00
#include <stdio.h>
#include "N79E85x.h"
#include "Typedef.h"
#include "Define.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Delay.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "EasyTransfer.h"
UINT8 u8Uart_Data;
void main (void)
AUXR1 |= Uart_Port_Sel; // Select P10/P11 as UART pin(default)
InitialUART0_Timer1(9600); // 9600 Baud Rate @ 11.0592MHz
ES = 1; // Enable serial interrupt
EA = 1; // Enable global interrupt
while(1); // Endless
void UART_ISR(void) interrupt 4
if (RI == 1)
{ // If reception occur
RI = 1; // Clear reception flag for next reception
u8Uart_Data = SBUF; // Read receive data
SBUF = u8Uart_Data; // Send back same data on UART
else TI = 0; // If emission occur
// Clear emission flag for next emission
You should not include Typedef.h multiple times since there is no header include guard in Typedef.h.
Your main source includes Typedef.h and EasyTransfer.h at the same time, this causes redefinition errors because EasyTransfer.h includes Typedef.h too. Just like your main source includes Typedef.h twice, and WITHOUT header include guard!
I suggest you just remove the #include "Typedef.h" line from your main source file. Or add header include guard in Typedef.h if you can.