I have a class like this
Class Myclass
itemdata as string
name as string
End Class
how do i initialised this class with and array of string for both properties?
this is what i am trying, which os obviously wrong
Dim ls As New List(Of Myclass)(New Myclass() {("A1,A2,A3,A4".Split(","))})
I need something like this after initialization, the value of each item in the list will be like as if assigned manually like this
To start with Myclass
is a reserved name, so I've used Myclass2
This is the closest to you code that I can make it:
Dim dicOpts = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"foo", "bar,woo"}}
Dim key = "foo"
Dim ls As New List(Of Myclass2) From { New Myclass2() With { .itemdata = dicOpts(key).Split(","c)(0), .name = dicOpts(key).Split(","c)(1) } }
That gives:
Based on your edits I think this is closer to what you want:
Dim text = "A1,A2,A3,A4"
Dim ls = _
text _
.Split(","c) _
.Select(Function (x) New Myclass2() With { .itemdata = x, .name = x }) _
I now get this: