I have WCF Rest service Returns Json , I Get the response Json string but after De-serializing It gives Null object ,Json contains response object which contains List , before De-serializing string json string shows 3 DTOStundet objects after De-serializing List shows null
string returnValue = Navigator.GET(url, APIHearderCollection);
"CourseName":"Physical Sience",
"StudentId":1,"StudentName":"Kumar Sangakkara",
"Age":21,"CourseName":"Physical Sience",
"StudentId":2,"StudentName":"Mahela Jayawardena",
returnValue contain this json string to be De-serialize
image description here]1
this is where im De-serializing json after this response gets null
Response response = (Response)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(returnValue, typeof(Response));
You can deserialize this way, create separate model class
public class NewModel
public Response GetStudentsListJSONResult { get; set; };
public class NewModel2
public NewModel Result { get; set; };
NewModel2 response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NewModel2>(returnValue);