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What is Package/Identity/Name and what does it correspond to?

Few days ago I submited my first WP 8.1 app on the Windows phone store (it's in the certification stage). Unfortunately, I'm having a bit of a trouble with correct IDs.

In my Microsoft Developer Dashboard, when I go to the "manage application", I have something like this (not exactly like this, but in this format):

Package/Identity/Name: 11111Keran.zzzzzxxxxxccccccc

Now, in my Package.appxmanifest file I am forced to put this as an Identity Name:

Identity Name="11111Keran.zzzzzxxxxxccccccc" etc...>

Is this the Application ID? Normally the application ID is a GUID, but I don't have it anywhere stored in any configuration file. I was only able to retrie it using this code:

var appId = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId; And it returns me some GUID.

The problem starts when I try to extract the data from the Isolated Storage of my app using this script:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.1\Tools\IsolatedStorageExplorerTool" ISETool.exe ts de [MYAPPGUID] C:\Isolated

When I provide the GUID that I got from the code, it says the app is not installed, when I provide the identity name (11111Keran.zzzzzxxxxxccccccc) it says that it's not a GUID.

Not to mention I now completely don't know what should I put in the ad configuration for the Microsoft Adveristing in Application ID - should it be the GUID I receive, or the 11111Keran.zzzzzxxxxxccccccc, or will it come once my app is certified? At the moment ads are completely not showing and the code doesn't even go to the errors (I'm using AdMediator control), just black box with nothing in it.

It's a real mess and I cannot find a good tutorial anywhere, so any help and tips will be much appreciated


  • Package Name is the name of your package. It's unique and identifies your package in user's system. When you create a new project, Visual Studio assigns some GUID to use it as your package's name. But when you associate your app with the Store and choose one of your reserved app names, VS updates Package Name to some more readable value, usually involving a short string of letters and numbers combined with name of the app. If you not going to deploy your app to Windows Store, you can change this value to anything you want.

    As far as I know, IsolatedStorageExplorerTool only supports Windows Phone 8.0, that's probably why you have problems with your 8.1 app. If you want to explore or modify your WP 8.1 local storage, best tool for this is IsoStoreSpy . Try it out!