I have been trying for more than two days to get JPEG Image and MP4 Video File Information using MediaInfo.DLL
in my Pascal Script.
But I keep getting error
Runtime Error (at 6:366) - Access Violation at address 0042FD23. Read of address 8065241E.'
The error mostly points to (at 6:366).
I can't think what problem is causing this exception when trying to get Media Information using MediaInfo.DLL.
The code I added to my Script:
Source: Lamborghini_Aventador.jpg; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy
Source: MediaInfo.dll; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy
#ifdef UNICODE
PWideChar = WideString;
StreamKind_Image = 5;
InfoKind_Text = 1;
function MediaInfo_New: Cardinal;
external 'MediaInfo_New@{tmp}\MediaInfo.dll stdcall delayload';
function MediaInfo_Open(Handle: Cardinal; File__: PWideChar): Boolean;
external 'MediaInfo_Open@{tmp}\MediaInfo.dll stdcall delayload';
function MediaInfo_Get(Handle: Cardinal; StreamKind: Integer; StreamNumber: Integer; Parameter: PWideChar; KindOfInfo: Integer; KindOfSearch: Integer): PWideChar;
external 'MediaInfo_Get@{tmp}\MediaInfo.dll stdcall delayload';
procedure RetrieveImageInformation;
IHandle: Cardinal;
Width: PWideChar;
IHandle := MediaInfo_New();
MediaInfo_Open(IHandle, PWideChar(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Lamborghini_Aventador.jpg')));
Width := MediaInfo_Get(IHandle, StreamKind_Image, 0, 'Width', InfoKind_Text, 0);
Log('Width of the JPEG Image: ' + PWideChar(Width) + '.');
The line which the exception is generating is:
Width := MediaInfo_Get(IHandle, StreamKind_Image, 0, 'Width', InfoKind_Text, 0);
I expected that the compiler output will be Width of the JPEG Image: 1920.
I use latest version of Unicode Inno Setup Compiler (5.5.9 - U)
Thanks in advance for your important help.
You can use the MediaInfo Command Line Interface
with Inno Setup Ansi or Unicode Version.
Usage Example:
Source: MediaInfo.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: Dontcopy
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
ErrorCode: Integer;
ShellExec('Open', 'MediaInfo.exe', ExpandConstant('"YourFileName.mp4" --LogFile="YourFileName Prperties.log"'), ExpandConstant('{tmp}'), SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ErrorCode);
if SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError) = SysErrorMessage(0) then
Result := True;
Now, navigate to the Inno Setup Temporary Directory as Administrator using Run (Windows Key + R) Command and see your Media Information Log File exists there which contains the Information about the File you given in the Command.