I'm starting to use neo4j-spatial in some of my code. I thought I would be able to integration test neo4j-spatial code by including the spatial server lib as a maven dependency in my project. This has not worked for me though. I can't find any documentation anywhere on this.
How can I get my integration tests to work?
Any tips anyone? :)
Just to give an idea of what I'm doing, I've pasted a segment of my controller, service and repository code below, with the final code posting being my tests that don't work against an embedded TestServer.
package nz.co.domain.core.repository.location;
import org.springframework.data.neo4j.annotation.Query;
import org.springframework.data.neo4j.repository.GraphRepository;
import org.springframework.data.repository.query.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import nz.co.domain.model.pojos.Location;
public interface LocationRepository extends GraphRepository<Location> {
@Query("match (n:Location {domainId : {domainId}}) with n call spatial.addNode({layerName}, n) yield node return node;")
public Location indexLocation(@Param("domainId") String locationId, @Param("layerName") String layerName);
@Query("call spatial.withinDistance({layerName},{longitude: {longitude},latitude: {latitude}}, {rangeInKms});")
public Iterable<Location> findLocationsWithinRange(@Param("longitude") String longitude, @Param("latitude") String latitude, @Param("rangeInKms") String rangeInKms, @Param("layerName") String layerName);
@Query("call spatial.addPointLayer({layerName});")
public void createLayer(@Param("layerName") String layerName);
@Query("match ()-[:LAYER]->(n) where n.layer = {layerName} return count(n) > 0;")
public boolean hasLayer(@Param("layerName") String layerName);
public Location findByDomainSpecificId(String domainSpecificId);
public Location findByGooglePlaceId(String googlePlaceId);
package nz.co.domain.core.location;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import nz.co.domain.core.repository.location.LocationRepository;
import nz.co.domain.model.UniqueIDGenerator;
import nz.co.domain.model.pojos.Location;
public class LocationService {
private LocationRepository locationRepository;
public void createLayer(String layerName) {
public Location createLocation(double latitude, double longitude, String googlePlaceId, String layerName) {
Location location = new Location(UniqueIDGenerator.randomID(), googlePlaceId, latitude, longitude);
boolean hasLayer = locationRepository.hasLayer(layerName);
if (!hasLayer) {
Location preExistingLocation = locationRepository.findByGooglePlaceId(googlePlaceId);
if (preExistingLocation == null) {
location = locationRepository.save(location);
location = locationRepository.indexLocation(location.getDomainId(), layerName);
} else {
location = preExistingLocation;
return location;
public Iterable<Location> findLocationsWithinRange(String latitude, String longitude, String rangeInKms, String layerName) {
return locationRepository.findLocationsWithinRange(longitude, latitude, rangeInKms, layerName);
public Location loadLocationByGooglePlaceId(String googlePlaceId) {
return locationRepository.findByGooglePlaceId(googlePlaceId);
public Location loadLocationByDomainId(String domainId) {
return locationRepository.findByDomainId(domainId);
* Add location.
* @param profiletypes
* @param profileId
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/{profileType}/{profileId}/location", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/hal+json")
public HttpEntity<LocationResource> addLocation(@PathVariable String profileType,
@PathVariable String profileId, @RequestBody CreateLocationRequest locationRequest, @ApiIgnore LocationResourceAssembler locationResourceAssembler) {
Profile profile = profileService.loadProfileByDomainId(profileId);
Location location = locationService.createLocation(locationRequest.getLatitude(), locationRequest.getLongitude(), locationRequest.getGooglePlaceId(), profileType + "-layer");
location = locationService.loadLocationByGooglePlaceId(location.getGooglePlaceId());
LocationResource resource = locationResourceAssembler.toResource(location);
return new ResponseEntity<>(resource, HttpStatus.CREATED) ;
Service test
(It is my tests here that I can't get working as part of a standard build against an embedded TestServer)
package nz.co.domain.core.location;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import nz.co.domain.core.AbstractTest;
import nz.co.domain.model.pojos.Location;
public class LocationServiceTest extends AbstractTest {
private LocationService locationService;
public void indexLocationTest() {
// The Rogue and Vagabond
Location rogueAndVagabond = locationService.createLocation(51.469150, 7.23212, "ChIJmwfKGdivOG0R9eTCVFOngnU", "test-layer");
/* more test code here */
// Te Papa Museum
Location tePapaMuseum = locationService.createLocation(-41.289964, 174.778354, "ChIJfxn9AdGvOG0RpLRGGO3tRX8", "test-layer");
/* more test code here */
// Porirua Club
Location poriruaClub = locationService.createLocation(-41.136048, 174.836409, "ChIJ9wl16m1TP20R3G3npuEokak", "test-layer");
/* more test code here */
Iterable<Location> findLocationsWithinRange = locationService.findLocationsWithinRange("-41.289964", "longitude", "5", "test-layer");
/* more test code here */
Spatial functionality is not provided in SDN 4 yet. If you integrate the neo4j-spatial lib then the only option you have at the moment is to use it directly- there will be no repository support etc. However, spatial integration work is currently in progress, so some basic functionality should be introduced in the next release.