Suppose we have some data as follows:
name age eats
bugs bunny 20 carrots
elmer fudd 50 wabbits
What is the Deedle equivalent of the following Pandas example?
>>> df[df["name"] == "bugs bunny"]["eats"]
0 carrots
Name: eats, dtype: object
>>> df[df["eats"] == "carrots"]["name"]
0 bugs bunny
Name: name, dtype: object
If there is another more F-sharpy way to do these kinds of lookups (e.g. using records) that would also be very useful.
[EDIT] I guess using records it would be as follows:
type PersonRec = {name : string; age : int ; eats : string}
let rec1 = { name = "bugs bunny"; age = 20; eats = "carrots" }
let rec2 = { name = "elmer fudd"; age = 50; eats = "wabbits" }
let bugsbunnyeats =
[rec1; rec2]
|> List.filter (function
| {name = "bugs bunny"} -> true
| _ -> false
But I would still like to see the same operation using Deedle if possible.
Deedle has concept of row & column keys - this makes it super easy to perform lookup based on the key, but for lookup based on other columns/rows, you'll need to use filtering.
Given your sample data:
let df =
frame [
"age" =?> series [ "bugs bunny" => 20; "elmer fudd" => 50 ]
"eats" =?> series [ "bugs bunny" => "carrots"; "elmer fudd" => "wabbits" ] ]
This creates a frame:
age eats
bugs bunny -> 20 carrots
elmer fudd -> 50 wabbits
Now you can use various lookups:
// Lookup using column & row keys
df.["eats", "bugs bunny"]
// Lookup using row key
df.Rows.["bugs bunny"].GetAs<int>("age")
df.Rows.["bugs bunny"]?age // for numbers
// Lookup using filtering
let carrotEaters =
|> Series.filter (fun k row -> row.GetAs("eats") = "carrots")
carrotEaters.FirstKey() // bugs bunny
carrotEaters.FirstValue().GetAs<int>("age") // 20