Creating a program called Joker.cmd (, and it's basically done. Was basically me testing out github at first and turned into something I wouldn't mind fully releasing.
It's basically done, so I would love to implement a user plugin system. Dir tree is as of rightnow (not synced on github);
- test1.cmd
- test2.cmd
So then joker.cmd would list both "test1.cmd" and "test2.cmd" and have a
set /p plugin=Plugin name;
start %plugin%.cmd
and then run the specified plugin. The only issue is how would I get joker.cmd to list only files ending in either .cmd or .bat?
Add the following lines to joker.cmd to run the plugins automatically:
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b plugins\*.cmd plugins\*.bat') do (
start "" %%f
Add the following lines to joker.cmd to prompt for the plugin to run:
dir /b plugins\*.cmd plugins\*.bat
set /p plugin=Plugin name:
start "" plugins\%plugin%
Always include a TITLE this can be a simple string like
"My Script"
or just a pair of empty quotes""
According to the Microsoft documentation, the title is optional, but depending on the other options chosen you can have problems if it is omitted.
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