I'm trying to limit the return of a gci
to only items contained in an array.
Let's say the folder below contains several files, all named File_A, File_B, etc. up to File_Z. I only want to return the name and size of files contained in the array $myArray
. Running this code as is will return all files, which is not what I want.
$MyDocuments = "C:\Documents\MyFiles"
$myArray = @()
$myArray += "File_A.txt"
$myArray += "File_B.txt"
$myArray += "File_C.txt"
cd $MyDocuments
Get-ChildItem * -Filter $myArray | Select-Object Name, Length
We can also do this a little more clearly / explicitly like so:
$array = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$array.Contains($_.Name)} | select Name, Length