I'm creating mobile vr game for google daydream and I want to add WorldSpace UI to my game and interact wit it. There is controller(works like Wii conroller) that tracks rotation, so I have rotating pivot in my game. There is example of how this controller works. I thought that good way of doing this is using raycast to interact with UI(it would be shot form pivot), but after searching I haven't found anything helpful. Maybe there is another simpler way to do it?
Add Gaze Input Module to EventSystem
Add Graphic Raycaster component to Canvas(all canvases) and Assign MainCamera (child of Head) as Event Camera in the canvas component :
Add GvrReticle prefab as child of Main Camera. It should look like this:
Now your UI will respond to clicks (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)
) as usual. UI under Retical/Gaze will be clicked. All you have to do is map controller's input to click button in Input Manager
Hope this will help :)