I got an error and strange behavior inside template.onDestoyed;
I have code for infinite scroll subscribtion (it stored in special subscribtion-template) It work fine, until i switch to another route, and create a new instance of subscriber-template.
Template.subscriber.onCreated(function() {
var template = this;
var skipCount = 0;
template.autorun(function(c) {
template.subscribe(template.data.name, skipCount, template.data.user);
var block = true;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) >= ($(document).height()) && block) {
block = false;
skipCount = skipCount + template.data.count;
console.log("skip_count is "+skipCount);
template.subscribe(template.data.name, skipCount, template.data.user, {
onReady: function() {
block = true;
onStop: function() {
console.log('route switched, subscribtion stopped');
When i "scroll down" on a page, subscriber work fine, when i go in another page and "scroll down" first i get a data from old subscriber template (what must be destroyed in theory) in first time. In second time (scroll down again) new instance of subscriber starts works normally.
What i doing wrong?
The good guy from meteor forums helped me.
Actually the problem is in jquery.scroll
event. It not cleaned up when template is destroyed. (Is it a bug? Or it is normal behavior?). I just needed to unbind the scroll event in onDestroyed