I'm in C# WPF.
I want to create a print function. First I generate a MemoryStream from an XmlDocument:
XmlDocument xmlDoc;
XslCompiledTransform _xsl; // Initialized before
/* creating Doc */
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
_xsl.Transform(xmlDoc, null, ms);
ms.Position = 0;
I can display the MemoryStream in a WebBrowser element using webBrowser.NavigateToStream(e.NewValue as Stream);
But now I want to display the MemoryStream before printing. I have a preview windows:
<Window Title="PrintView">
<DocumentViewer x:Name="printViewer"
Document="{Binding DocumentView}"/>
The Binding element is:
FixedDocumentSequence _fixDoc = null;
public FixedDocumentSequence DocumentView
return _fixDoc;
_fixDoc = value;
But how can I create FixedDocumentSequence DocumentView
from MemoryStream ms
You can achieve it by the following code:
: can just be anything you want.
private FixedDocumentSequence LoadXpsFromStream(Byte[] xpsByte, string packageUriString)
MemoryStream xpsStream = new MemoryStream(xpsByte);
using (Package package = Package.Open(xpsStream))
//Remember to create URI for the package
Uri packageUri = new Uri(packageUriString);
//Need to add the Package to the PackageStore
PackageStore.AddPackage(packageUri, package);
//Create instance of XpsDocument
XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOptions.MaximuCompression, packageUriString);
//Do the operation on document here
//Here I am viewing the document in the DocViewer
return document.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
Remember to keep the Package object in PackageStore until all operations complete on document.
//Remove the package from store